Find opportunity in crisis and uncertainty.

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Experienced Psychology-Based Personal and Executive Coaching & Consulting in these Turbulent Times

Paul R. Ahr, Ph.D., M.P.A., M.A.

Life Coach, Executive Coach, Clinician and Executive with 50+ years of experience.

Licensed Psychologist

Certified Trauma Specialist

Certified Telemental Health Provider


Master your situation, lead your team confidently and find relief with the guidance of a seasoned and trusted psychologist. 

I’m Dr. Paul R. Ahr, and I’m in the business of problem-solving. I focus on helping leaders find opportunity within crisis, from a psychological, emotional and action-oriented point of view. With 50 years of experience as a clinical psychologist, trauma expert and long-time executive, my mission boils down to this: 

  • to help individuals who are distressed to regain personal and professional balance.

  • to help organizational leaders and others responsible for the well-being of others achieve personal and organizational success.

As I  support executives and leaders in managing emotions and actions in challenging situations, my work is informed and enriched from a wide range of experience in diverse settings and populations, including working as a senior executive in public, for-profit and non-profit sector treatment, rehabilitation, recovery and research settings; as an organizational behavior consultant with individuals, groups, teams, agencies and corporations; working in homelessness, hospital, clinic, correctional and private practice settings with children, adolescents, adults and families.



Life Coaching in the Time of COVID-19

Times of great crisis and uncertainty call for a focus on the opportunity embedded in one’s domains of self, relationships and productivity.  This is the time: (1) to help individuals who are distressed to regain personal, relationship and/or career balance; and (2) to help organizational leaders and persons responsible for the well-being of others to personal and organizational success.  This is the time to put into action this philosophy for initiating and adapting to life changes: 

LIFE: Let It Flow Effortlessly

Executive Coaching & Organizational Consulting

Never in the past 75 years have corporations, agencies and other organizations and the persons who lead them and their managers and employees been confronted by such novel and overwhelming challenges. Coaching and counseling for CEOs and other business owners, executives and supervisors in their personal and professional lives can help identify and overcome barriers to success and find opportunities as well as, manage emotions and situations in a positive, action-oriented way.


Management of Personal & Organizational Stressors

Forty years of research has demonstrated that high levels of perceived stress interfere with personal, relationship and career success. Yet less is known about the stressors that create stress responses.

Following the principle of No Stressor – No Stress, recent research on the differential effect of workplace stressors and new research on pandemic stressors provide clear pathways for reducing stressors and their impact on personal and organizational success.

Specialty Interventions

Competency Evaluations (FL & MO)

Behavioral Health Clinical Intermediary 

Inpatriate/Expatriate Executives & Family Adjustment

Pre- and Post-Incarceration Consulting


Managing Your Professional Life & Business During the Covid Crisis

For weeks turning into months and in every hour of every day we are bombarded with facts, images and tales of this worldwide crisis: in short, we are inundated in representations of its danger.

I help minimize these effects in professionals and people leading teams & companies.  By minimizing danger and the stressors associated, we can find —and act— on opportunity during this COVID-19 crisis.

Learn more about my work helping leaders navigate this crisis, along with the Pandemic Personal Stressor ScaleI use with clients.

Learn more here.

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