Life Coaching

Throughout my life I have held a variety of jobs, some more successfully than others: storeroom clerk, groundskeeper; bank messenger; assistant in my family’s business; nursery school teacher; Naval Officer; University Professor; research scientist; executive coach; organizational consultant; clinical psychologist in inpatient, outpatient and prison settings dealing with youth, adults and families with mental illness and substance use disorders; CEO and staff member of large non-profit and public sector agencies and State behavioral health and developmental services agencies; survivor of a near-death experience; married, divorced and remarried; parent, stepparent and grandparent.  I have lived and worked in big cities and small towns in the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Mid-West States; the West Coast and Hawaii; the Deep South and Florida and have traveled extensively in Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, Central and South America.

In short, I think that you and I may share some —perhaps quite a few —important common life experiences and challenges.

These challenges can occur in one or more of our three life domains:

  • self – which includes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of who we are;

  • relationships – which includes our intimate relationships, family and friend networks and work and community affiliations; and

  • productivity – which refers to our sense of purpose, vocational achievement and contribution to the larger social good.

If you feel that you are unable to accomplish your goals in any or all of these LIFE domains, then I would like to help you to identify and achieve  realistic goals and satisfying outcomes.

I know that from time-to-time the natural and effortless stream of LIFE overflows from one of LIFE’s domains on to one or both of the other domains, flooding them; overwhelming them.

Have you ever had a setback at work – for example – an unsupportive boss of unsuccessful bid for promotion – negatively affect your relationships with those close to you or demoralize you?

That is OVERFLOW from one domain to another.


Have you ever had the loss of a close friend through relocation, betrayal or death impact on your performance at work or your ability to act rationally?

That is OVERFLOW from one domain to another.


Have you ever felt so stumped or powerless to solve a problem or make a change that you feel that nothing that you do works?

That is DROUGHT in one or more domains.


Have you ever found yourself identifying in others pathways to successful goal achievement – but being unable to do so for yourself? 

That is BLOCKAGE in one or more domains 

The way forward.

I know that a sometimes more worrisome situation occurs where LIFE does not flow at all due to a drought of motivation, feelings and/or opportunities, or the flow gets blocked up altogether.  

Using a compassionate – but not necessarily clinical – approach, I work to develop with YOU a collaborative relationship which has at its foundation caring, competence, confidence and confidentiality. 

After an introductory getting-to-know-each-other session in person, (or by video conferencing or telephone), if WE BOTH think WE can work TOGETHER to achieve YOUR outcomes, WE will develop a plan of action – what I call a LIFE CHANGE PLANTM – with realistic goals and timelines. 

Together WE will investigate some or all of the following components: 


A LIFE CHANGE PLAN™ for Designing and Achieving Life Changes.

Control your responses – emotional, attitudinal, work habits.

Harmonize your personal domains of self, relationships and productivity.

Anticipate social, emotional and physical reactions.

Note your reactions – for yourself – and others.

Grow through successful adjustments to change.

Expect mistakes, setbacks, disappointments.

Practice stress management.

Learn as much as possible about new roles, responsibilities, relationships.

Acknowledge that others may reject, resist or subvert your life changes.

Negotiate with yourself – and others – to get your needs met.