Life Coach

Professionally-informed coaching from someone experienced in a variety of settings.


Important common life experiences and challenges can occur in one or more of our three LIFE domains:

  • self – which includes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of who we are;

  • relationships – which includes our intimate relationships, family and friend networks and work and community affiliations; and

  • productivity – which refers to our sense of purpose, vocational achievement and contribution to the larger social good.

From time-to-time the natural and effortless stream of LIFE overflows from one of LIFE’s domains on to one or both of the other domains, flooding them; overwhelming them.

Have you ever had a setback at work – for example – an unsupportive boss of unsuccessful bid for promotion – negatively affect your relationships with those close to you or demoralize you?  That is OVERFLOW from one domain to another.

Have you ever experienced  the loss of a close friend through relocation, betrayal or death impact on your performance at work or your ability to act rationally?  That is OVERFLOW from one domain to another.

I know that sometimes more worrisome situation occurs where LIFE does not flow at all due to a drought of motivation, feelings and/or opportunities, or the flow gets blocked up altogether.

Have you ever felt so stumped or powerless to solve a problem or make a change that you feel that nothing that you do works?  That is DROUGHT in one or more domains.

Have you ever found yourself identifying with and/or emulating  others’ pathways to successful goal achievement – but being unable to do so for yourself? That is BLOCKAGE in one or more domains.

Who can help identify these barriers to the effortless stream of LIFE?

A compassionate – but not necessarily clinical – approach  which has at its foundation caring, competence, confidence and confidentiality by an experienced Life Coach will help achieve the goal of LIFE - Let It Flow Effortlessly.